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prayer_timeIt is so easy to get caught up in the routine of daily living..busy, busy, busy… things to do, places to go, people to see…

This is just a post to let you know that in all the busyness of my day, I never forget to pray:

Father, thank you for the men and women who serve so faithfully. Thank you for their sacrifice and labor of love for America, our country ’tis of Thee.  Let it continue to be the “sweet land of liberty” that we may always sing…

Whether prayers are spoken aloud or whispered in a believing heart, HEAR O, Lord, their plea for blessings in abundance… Preserve life, meet needs, uphold and comfort with Your peace. And at the end of the day, may we all pray, Thank you, God for your ever-abiding presence, mercy, love and grace.

Still praying,